


AWSManager is a native Android application to manage AWS operations. Currently it supports EC2,RDS, ELB, EBS, AMI but in future app will have more features like S3,SNS,SES,SQS,SDB,Cloud Front management operations from your Android smartphone. The application is also available for iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch from Apple iTunes Store for $0.99. Main Features
EC2:-- Manage instance operations (Start, Stop, Terminate,Reboot,Assign elastic IP, Attach/Detach Volume)-- Manage ElasticIP,Security Groups,Key pairs-- Create Volumes-- Create snapshots from volumes-- Manage your EC2 instances in all Regions-- Search Available EC2 images-- Color coded server status
Accounts:-- Multiple AWS accounts support-- Import AWS Credentials from CSV file stored in device
Upcoming Features:
S3:-- Create/Delete S3 Buckets,S3Objects-- Manage ACLs for your S3 Buckets and Objects-- Take pictures from your Phone and upload to your S3 Bucket-- Configure Bucket Logging
SDB:-- Manage Domains,Items,Attributes-- Query Items in Domain-- Domain Metadata
SQS:-- Create/Delete Queue-- Configure Queue attributes-- Send/Read Messages in Queues
Route53:-- Get a list of DNS record data for domain name.-- Details of Hosted zone records-- Manage or update DNS Data.
SES:-- access the Amazon SES sandbox-- Send Email via amazon SES
New Feature added in Version 1.2:
Elastic IP: 1) User can allocate Elastic IP for either EC2 or VPC2) User can release or associate Elastic IP with any instance3) User will have options like view Instance, change Associated instance and Disassociate Instance with Elastic IP( having associated Instance).